Thursday, September 2, 2010

Them There Simple Folk

     My first post is going to be dedicated to our friends on the lower end of the bell curve.  As an IT professional I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the brightest bulb's out there.  For example I cant tell you how many time's iv heard repeatedly that stupid computer to which I promptly respond yes the computer's the stupid one.  Every day more and more I hear unbelievable tales of stupidity common sense it seems is no longer common.
     Sitting in front of walmart I met a man whom was very opinionated about politics and was shocked and disturbed by what i heard.  What started as a conversation about the glory of Marlboro red's turned into a deranged rant about our Muslim president, liberals destroying our youth and the glory days of Ron Regan.  He was a 50 something greying blue jean's and flannel patriot, a true blue god fearing American.  He told me he would rather die live in a country with socialized health care all the people without health care should just die. I calmly informed him I could not afford it and asked whether or not I deserved to just die, there was no answer from him.  Then he told me Obama is a Muslim and unfit to run the country informed me of the spending spree in Washington and how it was fucking all of us. "He hasn't done anything but spend spend spend what is he doing in there?"  By this point my irritation was rising and I had to walk away.
    It saddens me to see that this so called "PATRIOT'S" views where all about the greater me and not the greater us, self gratification, intolerance, bigotry and instant gratification are what make him a true blue American.  The sad part of these Glen Beck worshipers is that they vote and get a majority of the vote.  If you love your country and are sick of hearing "the american people want", for the love of god go out and vote, get involved and think of someone besides yourself. 

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