Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Had a dream and it was bad!

      Last night i had a dream in which i glimpsed into our future.  I was recently asked how i thought thing's would go from here in our country.  I couldn't provide a solid answer then it came to me in the single most frightening dream i have ever had.
      They say desperate people do desperate things; I guess the saying is true. People are always looking to someone with more than them to help them. Be it an employer, government or corporation. We are all born into this world uncertain of everything but death
       A Global economic recession hit and no one every fully recovered. Between the years of 2012 and 2054 unemployment jumped from 12% to nearly 50%. Desperation and social unrest ensued in the wake of all this. America had been a two party system for along time. Following the recession no progress was made. There was no band aid to fix everyone’s problems. As time went on it became every man for himself, with the federal government ultimately going bankrupt.
     Our entire culture was based on credit and selfishness. They say this was the problem to begin with. Politicians all began to play to their own agenda, leaving no time for progress. One bill after another was shot into the dust because no one was willing to budge or part ways with the precious commodity cash. The Rich got richer, the poor got poorer and the in between began to disappear. Crime rates soared higher and higher. Men who previously had everything they needed where now murdering to support their children. Neighbor’s stole from neighbors, everyone became paranoid as the fact things were only going to get worse finally sunk in.
     Government infrastructure began to weaken and fail as time drew on. In 2028 Social Security ran out and thousand’s were left with no retirement no income and no hope for work. Health care was marked up to the point where only the wealthiest could afford any sort of treatment. The life expectancy dropped to the young age of 46. With no health care Cancer, AIDS and even rotten teeth brought many to their end. The Government could not even afford to bury the bodies so they stacked up in the streets. Spreading disease, and leaving the smell of death everywhere. 
     Eventually The government went bankrupt.  The Private sector crashed, technology, books and knowledge was wiped out over time.  First the USA, then the rest of the world fell to this trend.  It was dubbed the second fall of Rome and man lost hundred's of year's of advancement and fell back into the darkness from which it had crawled out of so long before. I hope things will not work out this way.  We all have to strive to make our world a better place.

-The Garbage Man-


  1. So do agree with Orwell, that an outside force will destroy society, or Huxley, the destroying force will come from within?
