Sunday, October 3, 2010

What can you believe?

            Downtown Sota I was walking down the street.  All the sudden a man walked strait up to me.  He looked in my eyes, opened his mouth and said “hey man I know what its all about.”
            “Booze, grass, blues, crack I got what you need.”  “Anything to forget your past and make your future easy.”  I looked in is eyes and saw desperation, the look of a man who was 40 years wasted. I said no thanks and kept along my way.  Then I stopped and thought to myself why do lives decay?
            Life get’s hard and we stray from our path.  Only thinking happiness is memory’s in the past. Live for today and plan for tomorrow. Or you will end up drowning yourself in a sea of small sorrows.   You may live your life fucking everybody else, you may live your life only for yourself.
            If you want my advice have some self respect, or end up walking down the street selling people a life of regrets.

Can i get some sanity with my ranch?

            Lakewood Ranch is a terrible place, maximum dystopia truly.  Recently I found myself in this strange place and left shocked, confused and terrified. Social disconnection, self indulgence and massive ego surrounded my like a suffocating fog strait from the depths Of hell.   Like the oncoming chill of a bad trip I looked around and felt the uncanny feeling I had somehow wandered into a Tim Burton film, behold the horror of suburbia.
            Friday night, artificial main street on the ranch.  It’s cool there is a bad playing in the background. Restaurants are packed and people flow slowly through the crowded street’s like blood cell’s through a capillary. Prosperity and wealth shine like neon sign on the Vegas strip.  Normally there would be a strong drink in my hand and I would shift seamlessly through the crowd without taking notice of what was going on around me.  Unfortunately as of late I have experienced an extended bout of sobriety that has altered my perception on this seemingly normal night.
            A bright white, flash and stars engulfed my vision as I was smacked in the face by the scene around me. Amongst the fast pace of everyone a few lifeless zombie’s sifted about kept animated by the plastic attached to there face like a tumor.  Kid’s lashing out for attention, wife fucking every man that walked by with here eyes.  These things don’t faze the cell man.  Blackberry addiction is a serious thing it seemed as if they would suddenly drop dead if dragged out of the crackberry binge.  Mouth open like a fish, eyes glazed over, confused look on the face are all symptom’s if you see your friends like this consider sitting them down and talking to them.    Who is using who in these scenarios?
            Umpa Lumpas, excuse me overweight children strolled about the fitness and wheat grass middle agers.   Now how does a child so young get so large?  Then one started screaming as if a gnome snuck up and stabbed him in the back.  Dad was on the phone and mom was turned around gossiping with some friends.  She angrily turned around and threw some gram crackers to junior.  He instantly stopped crying and shoveled them into his mouth as fast as possible.  Shit I bet like a goldfish he could eat himself to death if his parent’s let him.  In a sad way it seems that is exactly what he is doing.   Mom went back to gossiping and dad talked louder on the phone.  Kid’s learn early negativity and tantrums bring reward, and self control is not important.  It’s not his fault but that woman should be arrested for child abuse.
            Wolf among sheep, red alert black man in white town I spotted a minority. I wasn’t the only one I saw several other people gawk with disbelief.  Some shook their heads, some scowled, and some whispered and pointed. I could feel the audacity and bloodlust in the air hanging over my shoulders.  Obviously desegregation had not occurred in this part of the state yet.  Even some of the zombies snapped out of the haze just long enough to gawk at the anomaly.  “We don’t like your type” sounded in my head.
            I’d had all I could handle for one night. I slowly make my way through the mob.  Smooth on the outside but frantic on the inside I knew these people would tear me limb from limb if they discovered I was an outsider.   Step by step I made it off the street and to the safety of my vehicle.   Lakewood ranch is what’s wrong with the world. I don’t know if my perception of events and reality are wrong or is it everyone else’s?  I can’t answer that question maybe you can. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Rock in Rolla

Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music that originated and evolved in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s,[1][2] primarily from a combination of the blues, country music, jazz [3] and gospel music.[4] Though elements of rock and roll can be heard in country records of the 1930s,[3] and in blues records from the 1920s,[5] rock and roll did not acquire its name until the 1950s.[6][7] An early form of rock and roll was rockabilly,[8] which combined country and jazz with influences from traditional Appalachian folk music and gospel.[9]

The term "rock and roll" now has at least two different meanings, both in common usage. The American Heritage Dictionary[10] and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary[11] both define rock and roll as synonymous with rock music., however, refers specifically to the music of the 1950s.[12] For the purpose of differentiation, this article uses the latter definition, while the broader musical genre is discussed in the rock music article.
In the earliest rock and roll styles of the late 1940s and early 1950s, either the piano or saxophone was often the lead instrument, but these were generally replaced or supplemented by guitar in the middle to late 1950s.[13] The beat is essentially a boogie woogie blues rhythm with an accentuated backbeat, the latter almost always provided by a snare drum.[14] Classic rock and roll is usually played with one or two electric guitars (one lead, one rhythm), a string bass or (after the mid-1950s) an electric bass guitar, and a drum kit.[13]
Rock and roll began achieving wide popularity in the 1960s.[15] The massive popularity and eventual worldwide view of rock and roll gave it a widespread social impact. Bobby Gillespie writes that "When Chuck Berry sang "Hail, hail, rock and roll, deliver me from the days of old", that's exactly what the music was doing. Chuck Berry started the global psychic jailbreak that is rock'n'roll."[16]
Far beyond simply a musical style, rock and roll, as seen in movies and on television, influenced lifestyles, fashion, attitudes, and language. It went on to spawn various sub-genres, often without the initially characteristic backbeat, that are now more commonly called simply "rock music" or "rock".


Rock and Roll= Dead.............Sadly when is the funural.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Had a dream and it was bad!

      Last night i had a dream in which i glimpsed into our future.  I was recently asked how i thought thing's would go from here in our country.  I couldn't provide a solid answer then it came to me in the single most frightening dream i have ever had.
      They say desperate people do desperate things; I guess the saying is true. People are always looking to someone with more than them to help them. Be it an employer, government or corporation. We are all born into this world uncertain of everything but death
       A Global economic recession hit and no one every fully recovered. Between the years of 2012 and 2054 unemployment jumped from 12% to nearly 50%. Desperation and social unrest ensued in the wake of all this. America had been a two party system for along time. Following the recession no progress was made. There was no band aid to fix everyone’s problems. As time went on it became every man for himself, with the federal government ultimately going bankrupt.
     Our entire culture was based on credit and selfishness. They say this was the problem to begin with. Politicians all began to play to their own agenda, leaving no time for progress. One bill after another was shot into the dust because no one was willing to budge or part ways with the precious commodity cash. The Rich got richer, the poor got poorer and the in between began to disappear. Crime rates soared higher and higher. Men who previously had everything they needed where now murdering to support their children. Neighbor’s stole from neighbors, everyone became paranoid as the fact things were only going to get worse finally sunk in.
     Government infrastructure began to weaken and fail as time drew on. In 2028 Social Security ran out and thousand’s were left with no retirement no income and no hope for work. Health care was marked up to the point where only the wealthiest could afford any sort of treatment. The life expectancy dropped to the young age of 46. With no health care Cancer, AIDS and even rotten teeth brought many to their end. The Government could not even afford to bury the bodies so they stacked up in the streets. Spreading disease, and leaving the smell of death everywhere. 
     Eventually The government went bankrupt.  The Private sector crashed, technology, books and knowledge was wiped out over time.  First the USA, then the rest of the world fell to this trend.  It was dubbed the second fall of Rome and man lost hundred's of year's of advancement and fell back into the darkness from which it had crawled out of so long before. I hope things will not work out this way.  We all have to strive to make our world a better place.

-The Garbage Man-

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Life's a Bitch

     Life is short and everyone has their fix to make it better.  Some eat, some drink, get high, some fuck, exercise, some screw everyone.  Get a job, support your lover, toil, pay taxes and then ultimately die.  Where is the good in life and where is it hiding.  Well life is what you make it and what you sew can be hell on this earth.  The average life expectancy for Americans in 2010 is 77 years and 8 month's that's time enough for a allot of blood and pain.  The fact of the matter is a vast majority of those people don't intentionally kill themselves if you reading this you know it's hard how do you make it through that long?
    Recently this shit hit the fan for me.  Love hit it's twilight, i left my job there's not much to look forward to.  I ate psychedelics, drank like a fish, did hard drug's like there's no tomorrow yet there was no happiness for me.  Then one day i wook up with a hard dick and a smile on my face what had changed in my life?  I had a dream i was dead six feet under.  No one was sad, no one cared.  Then i realized that life is too short to base on the short term hardships.  Yep i was happy as could be and ready to hop back on the band waggon of happy fucking living.
    To cement this i was at the bar last night and one drink after another people faded in and out of the background like a passing pop star. Eventually I looked up and there she was a beautiful woman smiling at me and asking me my name.  I told her it was Lou.... Lou the 80,000 dollar a year account's manager and she ate it up like a feast at Christmas's.  I knew it was a lie I'm a flat broke writer with nothing to lose, the whole situation speaks to the state of our society.  Question everything, while trusting everything why would i have a reason to lie.  Am i an asshole, who knows i think not just a guy trying to find my happiness in this dark world.  If i was looking for a relationship i would have got to know her or got a number before i went to her place.  She cant be mad or she is only lieing  to herself, that is who we tend to deceive the most.  This story is not about the fuck or weather it was good or not (It's always great).  It's about the day by day grind and making a place for yourself in this world and trying to achieve happiness.  My relationship was a failure, my work experience a joke, my friend's only out for themselves but LIFE GOES ON.  You have to make time for yourself and find what make's you happy. Trial and error is the name of the game folk's and I'm a living legend.  I may have failed at most everything iv done but I'm still happy because I'm trying to do right.
    If you value happiness don't get to involved in anything that is too far featched from what you believe in.  There are 10 million fish in the sea, too many job's to apply to and too many opportunities to reach for.  Set you goals high and always shoot for the stars. It's not about the bad in life its all about getting to those brief moment's of happiness and good.  Take my advice and enjoy your life to the fullest.  That's it for post numero dos have a good night.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Them There Simple Folk

     My first post is going to be dedicated to our friends on the lower end of the bell curve.  As an IT professional I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the brightest bulb's out there.  For example I cant tell you how many time's iv heard repeatedly that stupid computer to which I promptly respond yes the computer's the stupid one.  Every day more and more I hear unbelievable tales of stupidity common sense it seems is no longer common.
     Sitting in front of walmart I met a man whom was very opinionated about politics and was shocked and disturbed by what i heard.  What started as a conversation about the glory of Marlboro red's turned into a deranged rant about our Muslim president, liberals destroying our youth and the glory days of Ron Regan.  He was a 50 something greying blue jean's and flannel patriot, a true blue god fearing American.  He told me he would rather die live in a country with socialized health care all the people without health care should just die. I calmly informed him I could not afford it and asked whether or not I deserved to just die, there was no answer from him.  Then he told me Obama is a Muslim and unfit to run the country informed me of the spending spree in Washington and how it was fucking all of us. "He hasn't done anything but spend spend spend what is he doing in there?"  By this point my irritation was rising and I had to walk away.
    It saddens me to see that this so called "PATRIOT'S" views where all about the greater me and not the greater us, self gratification, intolerance, bigotry and instant gratification are what make him a true blue American.  The sad part of these Glen Beck worshipers is that they vote and get a majority of the vote.  If you love your country and are sick of hearing "the american people want", for the love of god go out and vote, get involved and think of someone besides yourself.